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Terms of payment

We offer you a variety of payment options to make your purchase as easy and convenient as possible. Here you will find an overview of our accepted payment methods:

  1. SOFORT bank transfer: A secure and simple payment option that allows you to pay directly via your online banking. This method enables an immediate transaction and therefore speeds up the ordering process.

  2. Apple Pay: A convenient payment method for all users of Apple devices. With Apple Pay, you can pay for your purchases quickly and securely using the Apple device of your choice.

  3. Credit and debit card: We accept all major card providers. Simply enter your card details at the checkout to pay for your order.

  4. PayPal: A globally recognized payment service that enables fast and secure online payments. Log in to your PayPal account to authorize the payment.

  5. Payment by bank transfer: If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, select this option and we will send you our bank details by email. Please note that your order will not be shipped until payment has been received in our account.

We guarantee the highest security standards for all online payments. Your data is transmitted in encrypted form and is not passed on to third parties. Simply select the payment method that is most convenient for you and follow the instructions in the payment process.

If you have any questions about our payment options, our customer service team will be happy to help.