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For use with light blue Model D...
Replacement Garmin Comfort chest belt.
For use with PM3, PM4 and PM5 monitors.For use with PM3, PM4 and PM5 monitors. USB cable for connecting your PM3, PM4 or PM5 to a computer to use the Concept2 Utility software as well as third-party software, such as RowPro. Measures approximately 14 feet long.
Our most advanced Performance Monitor. Features wireless heart rate monitoring, the ability to store workouts to a USB flash drive (sold separately), and is backlist for improved visibility in low light environments. See more info.Important! Be sure to select the correct machine (under "For which machine? Please choose.") when purchasing this part.Out of...
For use with a PM5, PM4 or PM3, the Smartphone Cradle slides onto the top of the PM to provide a place to set your mobile device while using the indoor rower, SkiErg or BikeErg.
For use on all PM4 and PM5 monitors. This thumbscrew enables you to remove the battery door without tools.